Curvy Levels
Posted by Nikki
7:13 PM
log book
I've actually dealt with curves and levels before back in high school, although the teacher didn't go into too much depth because she wasn't particularly brilliant at ps. So curves and levels are just adjustments that I've messed about with, without really caring how they could really fix up a photo.
Now I know I have to adjust it so there's some input at the ends of the 'Input Levels'.
Like so.
Curves I still don't think I've gotten the hang of, but I'm pretty sure if I keep experimenting with it, I'll get how it's used.
Hooray for messing with settings to darken photos.
I know I'm going to need these two, especially levels, when it comes to the assessment. I'm just hoping I don't go crazy with the settings and ruin the picture.