Workspaces, Profiles, Preferences, OH MY.
Posted by Nikki
9:48 PM
log book
Set up my workspace the way a 'pro' should. I never bothered with preferences before, which is pretty stupid considering it fixed up so many complaints I had about ps.
OMG, I can control the memory hogging of this beast.
And huzzah! Workspaces! No longer are the windows in ridiculously hard-to-click places. And all of my settings are saved, which is damn convenient.
Also, colour profiles. I didn't even know colour profiles existed before Digital Composite. Damn, they're important.
Adobe RGB (1998): Forever hammered into my mind by tutor and lecturer alike.
Hate being such a novice with stuff like this, especially when it comes to such a big program like ps. Got a long way to go before I even think I'm becoming a professional.