Posted by Nikki on 10:49 PM in , ,
Note to reader: This is no snarky post on politics or religion. This is pure, unadulterated raging on the events of this day, the 24th of June 2010.

My friends know I'm a centrist, leaning towards the left. But a few of them consider me to be a conservative too, because they think I hate change. And it's true. I hate change but only if it's unnecessary. For example, the idiotic P&C at Hurlstone Agricultural High School (that's right, I'm OUTING you bastards) has removed the rule which stated that seniors could wear whatever type of uniform they wanted, regardless of which term we were in. It has always been this way. No one complained. No one is being helped by changing it to winter ONLY in Terms 2 and 3. I personally do not plan to follow this rule, or any other stupid rule the P&C comes up with next. They've already taken our jersey days, what more can they do to us now?!

Another unnecessary move? Kicking out Kevin Rudd for Julia Gillard. It has barely been one term and he has dropped from 70% popularity to 40%. Rudd didn't listen to his party and he was seen as arrogant but that is no reason to kick anyone out. How fucking childish. People seem to have forgotten all the good things he has done for this country. And those who do remember hate him for it.

As an example, I will talk about a certain idiotic classmate of mine. He was complaining about the fact that Kevin Rudd was an idiot for:
  1. Giving away $900 to all eligible people to save us from recession
  2. Taxing ciggies
  3. Taxing miners

As he was a boarder, fair point about the miners thing, although I personally do not agree. However, he complained about the $900 because he didn't understand why Rudd would waste his money doing such a thing. Uh, hello?! He fucking saved us from a bloody recession. A lot of poor people, including my family, needed that money, you fucking half-wit! So next time you hate a politician's decision, ask yourself why they made it in the first place! Fuck you, you bloody rich, spoilt brat. Don't make political statements when you know nothing about politics. Foolish idiot.

So the half-wit goes on to say, "And [Rudd] says, 'You know what we haven't taxed? Mining and smoking! Let's do that too!'" Hmm, taxing smokers. I wonder why that's getting up his jacksie so much. As for mining, same thing. If you aren't smart enough to make a statement on that, shut yer trap. Even some of my friends whom I respect for their political positions are like that. I can understand if someone votes Liberal, but bring up why they'd vote Tony Abbott and they just go quiet.

C'mon, people! Stop voting for a fucking party if you know the leader's shit. Don't say it's the party you traditionally vote for either. Get out there and research! Then see which party and policies you like. Don't fucking tell me, "But I always vote for them!" 'cause that's my respect for you going down the drain there.

Like I've been telling people. If Tony Abbott gets his arse into the position of Prime Minister, I'm outta here. And I ain't coming back. Australian politics is dirty and I'm having none of it until we sort ourselves out and stop going down the American path.

EDIT: Just read an article detailing Rudd's declining popularity and I guess I forgot to mention the reasons why he lost, in my post. I knew he was losing ground after backflipping left, right and centre (esp. the emissions trading scheme) but wow, never knew it would get this bad.


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Just your average young adult with anger management issues that are equally tempered and inflamed by the wonderful interwebz.

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